Friday, May 14, 2010

A Different type of Affair...

I am lying here believing, but I have to admit…
The older I get, the image of you drifts…
When I was younger, you were the guy that fought away all my fears…
As I got older you were the guy to wipe away my tears…
My dream romance, when I sleep is only when you exist…
But when my eyes open, it is you I begin to miss…
My super hero man, I have yet to meet…
Could it be…you lying next to me…?
Is it you the man standing next to me…?
Is it you, which last kissed my lips…?
Is it you, the last to grip my hips…?
Or are you a fantasy, wishing to come true…?
I wrap my arms around your neck, just to continue holding onto you.
I cover you in my kisses, that way you seem real…
I believe your hands are touching me, just to give me something to feel…
I believe you are the one for me…giving me time to kill…Just before you come for me, and are my knight, shining shield…

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